Personal Info
I am and enjoy learning new things. I firmly believe that someone should attempt to learn one new thing a day. I apply this in my personal life as well as my work life. Due to this thinking I have managed to learn different programming languages .
Currently I am employee at Bandwidth. I am a lead software engineer for the Identity team that is responsible for enabling SSO across products.
I enjoy spending time with my family whether it's grilling out, fishing, or letting the kids run around. I have two boys both of which can make you tired just by watching them run in circles. I also spend time learning new things about coding as well as how to rework what I have already done with more efficiency.
My most favorite pastime is playing billards. I have played in American Poolplayers Association (APA) since 2006. While part of this league, I have traveled to Vegas once where my team and I placed 33 out of over 850 teams. I have also played in a local cash league. I am looking forwared to the day when we acquire a pool table for our home. My wife may go crazy as I would play as often as possible, but one can dream.